Installation manual

Phone Home settings
Table 8 describes the user-defined and default Phone Home settings.
Table 8. Phone Home settings
Set Default setting Notes
Events Explicit Events General Events were selected by EMC
Log to System Logs Do not change Box checked
Combine Events for
Storage System.
Box Checked Box not checked
E-mail Tab
Email To Do not change Field empty
Cc Do not change Field empty
From Do not change Field empty
Subject Do not change Field empty
SMTP Server Do not change Field empty
Use Default Message Do not change Box checked
Paging Tab
Use Modem Do not change Box checked
All Other Fields Do not change Field empty
All Fields Do not change Field empty
SNMP management
Dell/EMC CX Series supports SNMP read requests and SNMP trap notifications.
To use SNMP to query a Dell/EMC CX Series, enable the Fibre Alliance MIB package. This
package is pre-installed on all currently shipping Dell/EMC CX Series storage systems. Enabling
the Fibre Alliance MIB is not required for SNMP traps. See Table 9 for the Fibre Alliance MIB
Table 9. SP properties: Network tab
Set Default setting Notes
Network Tab
SP Network Name Do not change SP Serial Number
This is set at installation
IP Address Do not change
This is set at installation
Gateway Do not change Field empty
This is set at installation
Subnet Mask Do not change Field empty
This is set at installation
processing of SNMP
MIB read requests
Box checked Box unchecked
Dell/EMC CX Series Initial Configuration
Best Practices Planning 22