Setup Guide

26 Storage Center System Setup Guide
Setting Up the Storage Center
Step 12a: Configure Ports – Virtual Ports Not Licensed
If Virtual Ports are not licensed, the following dialog appears.
Figure 19. Initial Port Configuration
Common Action – Continue
1 Click Continue to generate the initial port configuration.
While the initial port configuration is being generated, the Startup Wizard displays a
window showing progress. After the configuration has been generated, it is
automatically validated.
If the validation is successful, the confirmation window shown in Figure 20 on page 27
appears. If the validation fails, the window displays warnings as shown in Figure 21 on
page 27.
Alternate Action – Skip Port Configuration
If you do not know the initial port configuration or there is no FC switch set up and
configured, you will have to skip port configuration at this time.
1 Click Skip Port Configuration to continue setup without generating the initial port
configuration. If you skip this step, all ports remain unconfigured and have a status of
If you skip configuring local ports at this time, you can configure them later through the
Storage Center Storage Management menu: System > Setup > Configure Local
Ports option as described in the Storage Center System Manager User Guide.
2 Go to Step 13: Generate SSL Certificate on page 43.