Upgrade Guide

Checking Update Status
Checking Update Status
From the Storage Management menu, select System > Update > Update Status. The
Update Status display appears, showing current status information.
Update Status States
Refer to the following table for details on all possible messages:
Field Description
Current Update Status Current status of the Check Update, Download Update, or Install
Update process:
Checking for Update: Storage Center is currently checking for
Controller Down: A controller is down. Installation cannot
proceed when a controller is down.
Downloading Update: Storage Center is currently downloading
an update.
Error Checking or Downloading: An error occurred during
Check Update or Download Update.
Error Installing Update: An error occurred while installing an
update component. Click Install Report to view details on the
installation error.
Installing Update: Storage Center is currently installing an
No Updates Available: Last Check Update process found no
available updates. Click Check Now to check again for updates.
Update Available for Download: An update is available for
download. Click Download Now to download the update.
Update Ready to Install: A downloaded update is ready to
install. Click Install Update to install the update.
Validating Components: Storage Center is currently verifying
each component status to determine if a component is ready for
Current Package Version Package version currently running on the Storage Center.
New Package Version Package version of the package ready to download or install.
Service Affecting Indicates whether package installation affects Storage Center
Yes: Package installation affects Storage Center service.
No: Package installation does not affect Storage Center service.
Deferrable: Package contains service-affecting components
that can be installed at a later time.