User's Manual

98 Storage Center 5.5 System Manager User Guide
Specify a priority relative to other Copy/Mirror/Migrate and Replication
By checking Copy Historical Replay information, you are copying the volume
and all associated Replays. If you do not select this option, you exclude Replay
data from being copied. Click Continue.
b To mirror to and create a new volume, click Create New Volume. Follow the
procedure described Creating a Volume on page 67.
c To create a new volume with the same attributes as the source volume, click Create
Exact Duplicate. A duplicate volume is immediately created.
d If Remote Instant Replay is licensed, the Create Replication Volume button
appears. This command does not create a volume, but serves as a conduit for
4 Click Continue. A review window appears. Click Start to mirror the volume now. Click
Schedule to set the start date and time. In the scheduling window, enter a date and
time. Click Schedule Now.
Migrating a Volume
Migrate is the same as Copy, except that when the copy is finished, all volume-server
mappings are moved to the destination volume. The source volume is deleted. The copied
data (and its mappings) now reside on the destination volume. Copy/Migrate first copies
data from the source volume to the destination volume. Changes to the source volume
while the copy is in progress are reflected in the destination volume. When Storage System
Manager is finished with the copy, all volume-to-server mappings are moved to the
destination volume.
To migrate a volume
1 In the system tree, select a volume.
2 From the volume shortcut menu, select Copy > Copy/Migrate. The Copy/Migrate
Volume window appears.
3 Select a destination volume
a To migrate data to an existing volume, select a destination volume from the list of
volumes displayed. The destination volume cannot be smaller than the source
volume. The destination volume cannot be mapped to a server. Click Continue.
Complete the Copy/Migrate options:
Specify a priority relative to other Copy/Mirror/Migrate and Replication
By checking Copy Historical Replay Information, you are copying the volume
and all associated Replays. If you do not select this option, you exclude Replay
data from being copied.
Select or clear Delete Source Volume After Migration.
Select or clear Reverse Mirror After Migrate. Storage Center mirrors updates
back to the source volume after the Copy/Migrate command is complete, using
the source volume as a backup.
Click Continue.