User's Manual

Viewing Volume Information
Viewing and Modifying Replays
The Replay tab appears only on volumes for which there are Replays. From the system
tree, select a volume . In the Volume Information window, select Replays. The system
displays information about any Replays associated with the selected volume.
From this window, you can modify the following settings:
Set Update Frequency: Default is Off.
Set Replay View: Default is Show Volume Replays.
Set Display Field: Default is Freeze Time.
Modify Volume Maximums: Opens the Modify Volume Maximums wizard.
Figure 79. Modify Volume Maximums
Default is 100 maximum view volumes and 16 TB of configured volume space. This wizard
allows you to modify these limits for:
The number of view volumes that can be created, and
The configured amount of space for all view volumes that share a Replay history. Can
be set to megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, or petabytes of space. The Unlimited option
applies only to Maximum Configured Volume Space limits.
Note Additional view volumes for the Replay history cannot be created once either limit
has been reached.
Viewing Replay Calendar
The Replay Calendar shows existing and scheduled Replays. For more information, refer
to Viewing a Volume Replay Calendar on page 319.