User's Manual

104 Storage Center 5.5 System Manager User Guide
Viewing Volume Statistics
Note If Data Progression is running, statistics are not available.
1 In the system tree, select a volume. The Volume Information window appears.
2 Click the Statistics tab. System Manager displays volume statistics.
Figure 80. Volume Statistics
This window displays the following information in graphical form, per tier:
Volume Space – Active shows the volume space utilized by the data that has been
written before a Replay is taken.
Disk Space – Active shows the total disk space including RAID overhead that is being
used by this volume
Volume Space – Replay shows the space used by Replays, including accessible and
inaccessible Replay space. Refer to Moving a Volume to a Folder on page 93.
Disk Space – Replay shows total disk space, including RAID overhead, being used by
this volume.
Statistics below the chart list:
Total volume space consumed equals the sum of all volume space bars on the chart.
Data Instant Replay overhead is that part of Volume Space Replay that is inaccessible.
This inaccessible data is previous pages that have been subsequently written to but are
still parts of previous Replays. (Total volume space consumed minus Data instant
Replay overhead equals the total volume space that would be consumed if all Replays
were to be expired.)
Total disk space consumed equals Disk Space-Replay plus Disk Space-Active