User's Manual

126 Storage Center 5.5 System Manager User Guide
Managing Disks
A folder that contains managed disks was created when the system was set up. In the
system tree, select a disk. General disk information appears.
Figure 98. General Disk Information
Information in this window includes:
Position: listed as enclosure and position. For example, disk 01-06 resides in
Enclosure 1. To view the position of this disk in an enclosure, select a disk. From the
shortcut menu, select Show Disk in Enclosure. The command displays the physical
location of the disk.
Index: Number required by Dell Support Services to assist with component
Folder: The disk folder in which this disk resides
Control Type: A disk can be one of following types:
Managed: Part of a managed disk folder. Data is striped across all drives in a
managed disk folder (except reserved hot spares). To move a managed disk, refer
to Moving a Managed Disk on page 127.
Unmanaged: A disk that is recognized by Storage Center but has not yet been
assigned to a managed disk folder. An unmanaged disk cannot store data. To add
an unmanaged disk to a managed disk folder, refer to Adding Disks to a Storage
Center System on page 116 or Adding Unassigned Disks to a Folder on page 119.
Foreign Managed: A disk that is recognized by this Storage Center system but not
managed by it. A Foreign Managed disk could have been managed previously by
another Storage Center system or another manufacturer. When the disk is assigned,
it becomes Managed.