User's Manual

Creating a Remote Storage Center Connection
Figure 145. Non-Virtual Remote Compellent iSCSI Connections
3 For iSCSI remote Compellent connections, the system displays:
System Name
IP Address
Status: Up, Down, or Discovery. Discovery is a user-created object used to
configure the fully qualified remote connections that include the iSCSI name. Ignore
the Discovery connection.
Status information, including:
Total List Is:
Target Up, Initiator Up
Target Up, Initiator Down
Target Up, No Initiator
Target Down, Initiator Up
Target Down, Initiator Down
Target Down, No Initiator
No Target, Initiator Up
No Target, Initiator Down
No Target, No Initiator
iSCSI Name
Information that is added in the Advanced window (refer to Changing Advanced
Remote Connection Properties on page 178)
Information that is added in the Remote Connection IP address window
Information that is added in the Remote iSCSI CHAP Secret window. Refer to
Configuring Remote Connections Using CHAP on page 181.
Viewing Remote iSCSI Connections – Virtual Ports Enabled
1 In the system tree, select an iSCSI card. The iSCSI information window appears.
2 Click the Remote Compellent Connections tab. The Remote Compellent iSCSI
Connections window that appears varies only slightly from the display for non-virtual