User's Manual

Configuring Remote Connections Using CHAP
Configuring Remote Connections Using CHAP
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is an iSCSI security option that
provides connection authentication based on secrets (essentially passwords) that are
exchanged when a connection is established.
Configuring Remote Storage Center Connections using CHAP consists of the following
1 Enabling CHAP in each system.
2 Add Remote Compellent Connection from System 1 to System 2.
3 Add Remote Compellent Initiator from System 2 to System 1
4 Add Remote Compellent Connections from System 2 to System 1.
5 Add Remote Compellent Initiator from System 1 to System 2.
Note Once CHAP is enabled (Step 1), Steps 2 through 5 can be done in any order.
Remember the following:
If Virtual Ports are enabled, CHAP is enabled in the Properties window of the Control
In a legacy system (one in which Virtual Ports are not enabled), CHAP is enabled in the
Properties window of each iSCSI IO port.
The difference between adding a Remote CHAP Initiator and a Remote Storage Center
CHAP Initiator is simply that Storage Center enters the first part of the Compellent IQN
name in the Remote Compellent Initiator window.
If you add an iSCSI Remote Connection or Remote Compellent CHAP Initiator from an
iSCSI folder, the connection or initiator is added for all ports. You can select an individual
card (in legacy mode) or Control Port (in Virtual Port mode) and add a remote iSCSI
connection or initiator only to that port.
Displaying Remote CHAP Initiators
Before configuring new CHAP initiators, you can view existing remote CHAP initiators.
In a legacy system (one in which Virtual Ports are not enabled), Remote CHAP Initiators
are on the iSCSI IO card.
In a system with Virtual Ports, select the Control Port.
From the shortcut menu, select Properties. The Properties window displaying the Remote
CHAP Initiator tab appears. This tab displays information about existing CHAP initiators.