User's Manual

228 Storage Center 5.5 System Manager User Guide
System Management
Generating a New SSL Certificate
To generate an SSL certificate
1 Choose
System > Access > Generate New SSL Certificate
. The
Generate New SSL
window appears.
Note The initial certificates shipped with the Storage Center probably will not match the IP
Address or DNS name assigned to your system once it is set up on your network.
This means that when you connect to the Storage Center, you see a pop up message
identifying a mismatch when comparing the IP Address or DNS name in the
certificate, to the IP Address or DNS of the system.
2 To correct this mismatch, enter the
IP Address
DNS name
of Storage Center as you
refer to it in your browser. Storage Center generates a new certificate set with this
DNS name
, eliminating the mismatch message when connecting. This
command closes the current connection. You must login again to the system after the
new certificate is generated.
3 Click
Generate Now
to create and install the new certificates.
Resetting the License Acceptance
1 From the Storage Management menu, choose
System > Access > Reset License
2 Click
Yes (Reset Now)