User's Manual

328 Storage Center 5.5 System Manager User Guide
Remote Instant Replay
An Asynchronous Remote Instant Replay copies Replays; a Synchronous Replay copies
only the raw data of a volume. Storage Center presents two means of creating Remote
Instant Replays:
The most efficient means is through Enterprise Manager. Enterprise Manager is a
separately-licensed application that manages and monitors multiple Storage Center
systems. It greatly simplifies Remote Instant Replay.
You can also create a Remote Instant Replay through a Storage Center system. The
procedure, described in this chapter involves:
a Establishing connectivity to a remote Storage Center system.
b Create a Quality of Service (QoS) definition to schedule replications.
c (Optional) Simulate a replication so that you can gauge the impact replications will
have on a system.
d Create a target volume on the remote system. Map the target volume to the remote
e Select a volume or volumes to replicate.
f Choose to replicate a volume to an external device and maintain updates (mirror) or
not maintain updates (copy).
Keep in mind:
The source system initiates replication. Data is copied from the source system to the
destination system.
The destination system is the system receiving replication data.
A Storage Center system can replicate volumes to a remote system and simultaneously be
the target of replication from a remote system.
Although remote replication is an integral part of a Disaster Recover Plan, it is not the whole
plan. Make sure you have a Disaster Recovery Plan in place to determine the most
appropriate strategies to mitigate threats or disasters and to recover access to data.