User's Manual

Creating Replications
Creating Replications
Creating a Mirrored Replication
You can replicate a volume to an external device and maintain updates (mirror).
To create a mirrored Replication
1 Select a volume to replicate.
2 From the shortcut menu select Replicate Volume to External Device and Maintain
Updates (Mirror).
3 Select a remote volume or external device disk to replicate to.
4 Click Continue.
5 Select Options. Choose either Asynchronous or Synchronous.
6 Choose a QoS definition or create a new QoS definition. Refer to Defining a QoS on
page 333.
7 Select or clear to Replicate the Active Replay.
8 Select or clear Deduplication.
9 Click Continue. If the source volume does not have a Data Instant Replay schedule,
Storage Center asks you to create one. Click Continue. The System Manager displays
the Replication information.
10 Click Replicate Now. The Replication is created.
Creating a Copy Replication
You can also replicate a volume to external device and not maintain updates (copy).
To create a copied Replication
1 From the Storage Management window, select Volume > Replication > Replicate
Volume > Replicate Volume to an External Device (Copy).
2 Select a volume to replicate. Click Continue.
3 Select a remote volume or external device disk to which you will Replicate the selected
volume. Click Continue.
4 Select Asynchronous or Synchronous.
5 Choose a QoS definition or create a new QoS definition. Refer to Defining a QoS on
page 333.
6 Select or clear Replicate the Active Replay.
7 Select or clear Deduplication.
8 Click Continue. If the source volume does not have a Data Instant Replay schedule,
Storage Center asks you to create one. Click Continue. The System Manager displays
the Replication information. Click Replicate Now. The Replication is created.