User's Manual

346 Storage Center 5.5 System Manager User Guide
Remote Instant Replay
Viewing Replications
Viewing Asynchronous Replications
From the View menu, choose Replications. A list of asynchronous Replications appears.
Figure 286. List of Replications
Information displayed includes:
Replication Name
Source Volume
Status: Up or Down
Remote System: System to which the Replication was made
Percentage Synced: Status of the asynchronous Replication as a percentage
Remaining: Amount of data remaining to be synched
Current Replay: Date and time of current Replay being replicated (or active Replay)
Active Replay: Whether or not the active Replay is being replicated
Deduplication: Whether Deduplication is active or not
QoS Definition: Name of definition used by this replication
Note Synchronous Replications appear in the system tree in the same place as the
original, replicating volume. Replication properties only appear on volumes that were
replicated or are being replicated.