User's Manual

Provides disk aggregation (RAID), I/O routing, error detection, and data recovery. Provides the intelligence
for the entire Storage Center subsystem. Every Storage Center system contains at least one.
torage Center and recommend corrective actions to improve performance and availability of the system.
Storage Center feature allowing volumes to be migrated between different disk types and RAID levels.
DNS (Domain Name Service)
Name of the TCP/IP stack that converts domain names into IP addresses.
Data Instant Replay
Ensures high system and application availability. Enables backup and recovery of volumes without
impacting system resources. Captures a point in time copy, based on the Replay Profile. This provides the
ability to roll back a volume to a previous point in time. Only data that has changed from the previous point
in time copy is stored.
Data Progression
Automatically migrates data to the right class of storage based on assigned or recommended policies.
Allows businesses to optimize utilization of storage resources through migration to the appropriate class of
storage devices, to higher or to lower performance devices, based on data access requirements.
Deduplication copies only the changed portions of a Replay, rather than all data captured in each Replay.
Dell Support Services
Combination of centralized support, product education and sales resources that proactively monitor S
Disaster Recovery
The ability to recover from the loss of a complete site, whether due to natural disaster or malicious intent.
Storage Center disaster recovery include Data Instant Replay and Remote Instant Replay.
Disk Enclosure (see Enclosure)
Disk Folders
A collection of physical disks that can be assigned attributes by the user. Performance is improved by
maximizing the number of disk drives in a folder. Volumes draw storage from disk folders. Folders may be
associated with multiple pagepools.
Disk Position
The position of the disk in the enclosure. An example of a disk position is 01-01. The first number is the row
number, from the top of the enclosure. The second number is column number from the left of the enclosure.
For example, Disk 01-02 is in the first (top row) and second column from the left.