Deployment Guide

3. Open a command line interface on the appliance.
4. Run the command ping <IP address of client>.
5. Depending on the result, do one of the following:
If the client does not reply to the ping, verify the server’s connectivity and network settings.
If the client replies, check that the firewall settings allow the Rapid Recovery components to run.
Checking the firewall settings
If the client is connected properly to the network, but cannot be seen by the Core Console, check the firewall to ensure that
necessary inbound and outbound communications are allowed.
To check the firewall settings on the Rapid Recovery Core and any clients that it backs up:
1. On the appliance, click StartControl Panel.
2. In the Control Panel, click System and Security, under Windows Firewall click Check firewall status.
3. Click Advanced Settings.
4. In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security screen, click Inbound Rules.
5. Ensure the Rapid Recovery Core and ports display Yes in the Enabled column.
6. If the rule is not enabled, right-click on the Rapid Recovery Core and select Enable Rule.
7. Click Outbound Rules and verify the same for Rapid Recovery Core.
Verifying name resolution (if applicable)
If the machine you are trying to back up uses DNS, verify that DNS forward and reverse lookups are correct.
To ensure that the reverse lookups are correct:
1. On the appliance, go to C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc hosts.
2. Enter the IP address of each client that backs up to DL4300.
Teaming network adapters
By default, the network adapters (NICs) on the DL4300 Appliance are not bonded, which affects the performance of the system. It
is recommended that you team the NICs to a single interface. Teaming the NICs require:
Reinstalling the Broadcom Advanced Control Suite
Creating the NIC team
Configuring a Hyper-V Virtual Switch
Reinstalling Broadcom Advanced Configuration Suite
To reinstall Broadcom Advanced Configuration Suite (BACS):
1. Identify the NICs on your system. To identify the NICs:
a. Access the Dell Open Manage Server Administrator (OMSA).
b. On the main page, click SystemMain Sytem ChassisSlots.
2. Uninstall the earlier versions of Broadcom drivers and management applications.
3. Download the appropriate Broadcom drivers and BACS onto your appliance.
The following drivers are available at
QLogic driver
Click Servers, storage, & NetworkingDell Software DL 4300Drivers & downloadsCategoryNetwork
QLogic BCM57xx and BCM57xxx .
Broadcom driver
Click Servers, storage, & NetworkingDell Software DL 4300Drivers & downloadsCategoryNetwork
Broadcom Windows 64bit driver update for NetXtreme Ethernet adapters.