Reference Guide

Creating and defining new replication links or relationships to containers
Deleting specific replication links
Starting and stopping the replication process between source and target containers
Limiting the bandwidth consumed during replication
Resynchronizing replication between source and target containers
Troubleshooting replication connection issues
Software versions 3.1 and later support cascaded replication, which involves a Source, Primary Target, and Secondary
Target. Each relationship must be set up individually using two sets of replication add commands.
NOTE: You can set a replication schedule for daily and weekly replication operations. For details, see schedule --
add --day <day of the week> [--start_time <hh:mm>] [-- stop_time <hh:mm>] [--cleaner] [--replication].
Replication Command Usage
This topic introduces the replication command usage:
replication --show [options]
replication --add --name --role --peer [options]
replication --update --name --role --peer [options]
replication --delete --name --role [options]
replication --start --name --role [options]
replication --stop --name --role [options]
replication --limit --speed --target [options]
replication --resync --name --role [options]
replication --troubleshoot --peer
replication --help
NOTE: If you specify a command without supplying the expected value or option, you will be prompted to provide
the correct value or option.
replication --show [--name <name>] [--role <source | target>] [--verbose] [--limits]
Displays a detailed summary of replication-related information for a specific replication container in the DR Series
replication --show --name backup --role source --verbose
Replication Container ID : 1
Replication Container : backup
Replication Entry ID : 1
Replication Role : Target
Replication MDS Port : 9915
Replication Data Port : 9916
Replication Source : DR2K-01
Replication Source IP :
Replication Source Mgmt Name : DR2K-01
Replication Source Mgmt IP :
Replication Local Data Name : DR4100-Test
Replication Local Data IP :
Replication Source Container ID : 1