Reference Guide

--bondif Bond interface to create.
--dhcp Create dhcp interface.
--static Create static interface.
--nwif Eth interfaces to bond.
--mode Bonding mode to use.
--name DNS name for the interface.
--mtu Ethernet MTU to use (valid range is 512 - 9000).
--ip Static IP address to use.
--netmask Netmask for the static IP address.
--gateway Gateway for routing.
--restart Restarts networking after creation.
For example, to create bond1 using eth3 and eth4, run the command: network --create_bond --bondif
bond1 --dhcp --nwif eth3,eth4 --mode ALB --restart
Shutting down interface bond0: [ OK ]
Shutting down interface bond1: [ OK ]
Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ]
Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]
Bringing up interface bond0:Determining IP information for bond0... done.
[ OK ]
Bringing up interface bond1:Determining IP information for bond1... done.
[ OK ]
Updating DNS entry for SW-01.local to ..
Skipping DNS Update IP already updated.
network --create_eth
The command creates eth interface for the system.
network --create_eth --nwif <ethN>
[--name < DNS name >]
[--mtu <Supported MTU range 512 - 9000>]
[--ip <IPv4/IPv6 address not already in use>]
[--netmask <netmask>]
--nwif Eth interface to create.
--dhcp Create dhcp interface.
--static Create static interface.
--name DNS name for the interface.
--mtu Ethernet MTU to use (valid range is 512 - 9000).
--ip Static IP address to use.
--netmask Netmask for the static IP address.
--restart Restarts networking after creation.
For example, to create eth2, run the command: network --create_eth --nwif eth2 --dhcp
Interface operation successful. Please restart networking for the changes to
take effect.