Reference Guide

Current Run Phase 3 End Time : 06/17/12 15:31:22
Current Run Phase 4 Start Time : 06/17/12 15:31:32
Current Run Phase 4 Records Processed : 1
Current Run Phase 4 End Time : 06/17/12 15:31:35
stats --clients [--type <nfs | cifs | ost | rds | ndmp | iscsi>]
Displays the current NFS, CIFS, OST, RDS, NDMP, or iSCSI clients that are configured on the DR Series system.
To filter the list of clients to display a specific client type (for example, NFS clients) on a DR Series system, use the DR
Series system CLI --type command:
stats --clients --type nfs
No NFS clients connected.
NOTE: For OST clients, the value under Connections is 0 (zero) when the connection is configured (but it is not in
use), and 1 when the connection is in use.
stats --clients
No NFS client(s) are connected.
No CIFS client(s) are connected.
No OST client(s) are connected.
RDS Client(s)
Type Plugin OS Backup Software Last Access
Connection(s) Mode
RDS 2.1.201 Windows Server 2008 R2 NetVault 9.20 Build 12 Aug 13 07:53:26 1
Passthrough R720xd-Netvault
RDS -- -- -- -- 0
No ndmp sessions found.
iSCSI client(s) information:
Container: iscsi-1
Target IQN:
Initiators Connected:
stats --reset [--nfs] [--cifs] [--ost] [--rds] [--datacheck]
Resets the current NFS, CIFS, OST, RDS, or Data Check statistics for a DR Series system. The following example shows
--nfs; to reset another statistic type, just replace that option type in the DR Series system CLI command.
stats --reset -nfs
Successfully reset NFS stats.