Reference Guide

WARNING: IO to the box will be stopped during the passphrase configuration.
This may take some time.
Do you want to continue. (yes/no) [n]? yes
Enter new passphrase for data encryption:
Re-enter new passphrase for data encryption:
Stopping the filesystem...done
Starting the filesystem...done
Successfully updated the data encryption config.
Encryption = Enable
Mode = internal
system --encryption [--mode <static|internal>] [--interval <7 days to 70 years>]
Configures the encryption mode for the DR Series system, as either ‘static’ or ‘internal’ (Static: Fixed single key , Internal:
Multiple dynamic keys). The --interval option specifies the period of encryption key rotation and is applicable for internal
mode only. The default is internal mode.
NOTE: Setting the passphrase is required before you set the encryption mode or enable encryption.
NOTE: If you attempt to set encryption mode immediately after setting the passphrase, you might see the message
"Appliance is in the process of coming up, please retry later." You need to wait for the system to come up before
setting the mode.
system --encryption --mode static
Successfully updated the data encryption config.
Encryption = Enable
Mode = static
Key Rotation Interval = 0 Days.
Successfully updated the data encryption config.
Encryption = Enable
Mode = internal
Key Rotation Interval = 10 Days.
system --encryption --mode internal --interval 10
Successfully updated the data encryption config.
Encryption = Enable
Mode = internal
Key Rotation Interval = 10 Days.