CLI Guide

replication --help
Displays the list of all replication-related options that can be used as a reference when using the DR4000 system CLI.
replication --help
replication --show [--name <name>]
[--role <source | target>]
replication --add --name <name>]
--role <source | target>
--peer <ip address | hostname>
[--peer_name <name>]
[--username <user name>]
[--encryption <none | aes128 | aes256>]
replication --update --name <name>
--role <source | target>
[--peer <ip address | hostname>]
[--encryption <none | aes128 | aes256>]
[--username <name>]
replication --delete --name <name>
--role <source | target>
replication --start --name <name>
--role <source | target
replication --stop --name <name>
--role <source | target
replication --limit --speed <<num><kbps | mbps | gbps | default>
--target <ip address | hostname>
replication --resync --name <name>
--role <source | target>
replication --troubleshoot --peer <ip address | hostname>
replication --help
replication <command> <command-arguments>
<command> can be one of:
--show Displays command specific information.
--add Adds a replication link to a container.
--update Updates a replication link to a container.
--delete Deletes a replication link from a container.
--start Starts replication.
--stop Stops replication.
--limit Limits bandwidth consumed by replication.
--resync Initiates a replication re-sync.
--troubleshoot Troubleshoots replication connection.