CLI Guide

For command-specific help, please type replication --help <command>
For example:
replication --help show
The DR Series system seed operations allow for exporting data on the source to a portable seed device to then import
the seed data to a primary target, and, if required, a secondary target as well. Replication seeding is an alternative to
using network bandwidth for the initial re-synchronization of the source and target(s). After the target(s) are seeded,
continuous replication can be started, which will keep the target(s) up to date by sending only unique data. The DR
Series CLI commands support the following operations:
Create a job to perform seeding export or import.
Delete an existing seeding export or import job.
Specify containers for seeding export.
Add a device to be used for seeding.
Remove a device which is already added for seeding.
Start seeding process(export/import).
Stop running seeding process(export/import).
Start cleaner to process seed ZL logs on target.
NOTE: The seeding device must be a CIFS share: a USB device connected to a Windows or Linux system and
shared for import as a CIFS-mounted folder.
NOTE: The following scenarios are not supported for seeding:
Import AND export from one share/device cannot occur at the same time.
Import from one share/device cannot be completed from multiple locations at the same time.
Export to a mount point can be completed only from one seed job. Multiple seed export jobs cannot send data
to a single mount point.
Seed Command Usage
This topic introduces the seed command usage:
seed --create --op <options> [--enc_type <options>]
seed --delete
seed --add_container --name <container name>
seed --remove_container --name <container name>
seed --add_device --server <server name> --volume <volume> --username <user name> --domain <domain name>
seed --remove_device
seed --start
seed --stop
seed --show
seed --cleanup