CLI Guide

system --setname --name <node_name>
system --setcompression [--fast]
system --setdate [--date <date>]
[--timezone <Region/Zone>]
system --setntp [--add <server name>]
[--delete <server name>]
system --setlogin
system --telnet [--enable | --disable]
system --datacheck [--enable <all|namespace|blockmap>]
[--disable <all|namespace|blockmap>]
[--throttle <1-100>]
system --marker [--enable]
system --add_storage --enclosure <service tag>
system --storage [--blink] [--type <internal|external>] [--service_tag
<service tag>] [--disk <slot num>]
[--unblink] [--type <internal|external>] [--service_tag
<service tag>] [--disk <slot num>]
system --mgmt_traffic [--add] [--type <Webserver|Telnet>] [--interface
[--update] [--type <Webserver|Telnet>] [--interface <bondN|
[--delete] [--type <Webserver|Telnet>]
system --backup_traffic [--add] [--type <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS>] [--
interface <bond(0-N)|eth(0-N)|lo>]
[--update] [--type <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS>] [--interface <bond(0-N)|
[--delete] [--type <NFS|CIFS|OST|RDS>]
system --replication_traffic [--add] [--interface <bondN|ethN|lo>]
[--update] [--interface <bondN|ethN|lo>]
system --opdup_traffic [--add] [--incoming_interface <bondN|ethN|lo>]
[--outgoing_interface <bondN|ethN|lo>]
[--update] [--incoming_interface <bondN|ethN|lo>] [--
outgoing_interface <bondN|ethN|lo>]
system --help
system <command> <command-arguments>
<command> can be one of:
--show Displays command specific information.
--reboot Reboots the machine.
--shutdown Shuts down the machine.
--upgrade Upgrades the software on the machine.
--license Installs the license on the machine.
--setname Sets the name of the machine.
--setcompression Sets the compression type to use on the