White Papers

21 DR Series Appliance Cleaner Best Practices
Cindy takes note of the value 66,390,640 in the Estimated Logical Bytes left variable and logs it with the
After making the cleaner adjustments above, Cindy waits 7 days to determine if additional cleaner
adjustments are required. She hopes to reduce the accumulated cleaner debt, and the weeks’ worth of
aged out data. Cindy now runs the stats --cleaner command after a week when the cleaner
adjustments were made:
Cindy takes note of the value 6,690,640 in the Estimated Logical Bytes left variable and logs it with the
date. Cindy notices that the cleaner has made significant cleaning progress but has not completed a full
cleaning pass during the past week.
Cleaner Progress
Cindy does not adjust the 90 hour per week cleaning schedule and expects a full cleaning pass to
complete within the next couple days. After waiting a week (for the next backup to occur), she runs the
following command:
stats --cleaner