Administrator Guide

There are still other alert and event messages that direct you to contact Dell Support for assistance, where Dell Support
intervention may be required.
Table 1 lists the DR Series System Alert Messages by system alert type: general system, system chassis, NVRAM,
and PERC-specific alert messages that could be displayed during the course of backup and deduplication-related
Table 2 lists the DR Series System Event Messages by system event type (type 1 through 7): event messages that
could be displayed during the course of backup, replication, deduplication, diagnostics, cleaner, DataCheck,
maintenance, and OpenStorage Technology (OST) operations.
Table 4. DR Series System Alert Messages
Alert Message Description/Meaning or Action
General System Alerts
Filesystem scan requested. System is switching to Maintenance mode. Filesystem has
read-only access.
NVRAM not detected. Ensure that the NVRAM card is seated properly.
NVRAM capacitor is disconnected. Contact Dell Support for possible support assistance or
NVRAM capacitor has degraded. Contact Dell Support for possible support assistance or
NVRAM solid-state drives (SSD) are disconnected. Contact Dell Support for possible support assistance or
NVRAM has failed to backup or restore data during the
last boot.
Contact Dell Support for possible support assistance or
NVRAM hardware failure. Contact Dell Support for possible support assistance or
Data volume is not present. Check that all drives are
installed and powered up.
Contact Dell Support for possible support assistance or
File server failed to start after multiple attempts. Contact Dell Support for possible support assistance or
File server failed multiple times. Entering Maintenance
Contact Dell Support for possible support assistance or
Insufficient disk space exists. The filesystem is now read-only.
Unable to detect filesystem type on the Data volume. Contact Dell Support for possible support assistance or
Unable to detect filesystem type on the Namespace
Contact Dell Support for possible support assistance or
Filesystem scan discovered inconsistencies. Please check the filesystem report, and perform the
suggested action. Contact Dell Support for possible
assistance or intervention.
Replication peer network disconnected. Check access to remote site.