Release Notes

ID Issue Resolution
17661 If the cable is removed from a network
interface and the network is restarted, the
interface does not get an IP. If you then
reinsert the cable, you must restart the
network to get an IP.
Ensure that the interfaces that you want to add or
modify are connected when making Advanced
Networking changes. To restart the network, type
network --restart at the CLI command line.
17193 DR Rapid critical message Alert RDS
Restore failed reported on DR4x00
system. In addition to the error, an event is
generated internally in the DR Rapid plug-in
when the read operation fails
The DR Rapid plug-in generates events for any kind
of read failures.
16745, 17621 If you have the same client for OST and RDS
operations and you manually update the client
connections, unexpected messages are
displayed as: [root@swsys-49 ~]#
stats -- clients --type RDA RDA
Client(s) Type plug-in OS
Backup Software Last Access
Connection(s) Mode r310-sys-39
RDS -- -- -- -- 0 Default
[root@swsys-49 ~]# ost --
update_client --name r310-
sys-39 --mode auto Client is
connected with default values.
Please update to non-default
In Linux systems, the RDS plug-in installation
fails if the OST plug-in is already installed in
the system
To work around the issue, use a different client for
OST and RDS rather than sharing the same machine
for both protocols.
16660 When BE has an issue connecting to the
server, it may not return detailed errors to the
OST plug-in.
See the client log files for the detailed information
on the connection failure.
16427 When upgrading your system using the iDRAC,
if the upgrade package also contains new
iDRAC firmware, the upgrade fails to
Upgrade the DR code using the CLI or GUI using the
normal network interface and not the iDRAC.
16053 After you install the Rapid CIFS plugin and
replication operations are performed, you
receive a blue screen and the following error:
STOP 0x00000027 (parameter1,
parameter2, parameter3,
parameter4) RDR_FILE_SYSTEM
This is a Microsoft bug that occurs on shared
network resources on a computer that is running
Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7. To fix, see
MS KB2584874.