White Papers

54 Setting Up the Dell™ DR Series System as a Backup Target on ASG-TimeNavigator | April 2015
performance degradation. It is important to also never exceed the number of streams supported by the
appliance vendor’s operating environment when creating VTLs and virtual drives.
Media size is the final consideration when creating a VTL. Unlike physical media, virtual media can be
created to any size within the allowed range set by the appliance. So proper media size selection is
important to ensure smooth operation of the VTL. Creating a small number of large media will extend the
retention of expired data and prevent proper recycling within a media pool. Creating a large number of
small media puts a strain on the ASG-Time Navigator Media Management process and can cause
contention of resources. We recommend that the media size be made to accommodate for the media
group retention policy such that when the retention period is expired for that group all items on the media
should expire as well thus allowing for the reuse of the virtual media in question.