Administrator Guide

4. 要在所选月份中选择 Start Date开始日期),有两种选择
单击 Now现在可选择当前日期和时间 Hours小时 Minutes分钟表示)(或使用
Hour小时 Minute分钟滑块来选择所需的时间值
5. 单击 Done完成以显示 Start Date开始日期中的日期和时间设置。
您设置的日期和时间设置以 mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM 格式显示。
6. End Date结束日期执行与设置 Start Date开始日期相同的过程以指定结束日期或选择 Set
End Date to current time将“结束日期”设置为当前时间))
8. 单击与要使用设置选项监测的使用情况类型相对应的选项卡或单击 All全部以显示基于您的设置选
9. 查看基于所选条件的 DR Series 系统使用情况结果。
有关 Usage使用情况页面的更多信息请参阅使用情况显示当前系统使用情况
单击 Dashboard仪表板 Statistics: Container统计信息容器可监测在 Container Name:容器名称:)
Backup Data备份数据
Marker Type标记类型
Connection Type连接类型
有关更多信息请参阅 Backup Data备份数据窗格Throughput吞吐量窗格Connection Type连接类
窗格Replication复制窗格Statistics: Container统计信息容器页面编辑容器设置
Displaying the Statistics: Container Page
To display container statistics for a selected container, complete the following:
1. Click Dashboard Statistics: Container.
The Statistics: Container page is displayed.
2. In the Container Name: drop-down list, select the container you want to monitor.
: When you select a container, all statistics displayed on the Statistics: Container page represent specific
information about the backup data, throughput, replication, marker type, and connection type for the selected
container. The displayed statistics will vary depending upon the connection type used by the specified
3. View the current statistics in the Backup Data and Throughput panes.
The Backup Data pane displays the number of active files ingested based on time (in minutes), and the number of
active bytes ingested based on time (in minutes). The Throughput pane displays the number of read data in
Mebibytes/per second (MiB/s) based on time (in minutes), and the number of write data in MiB/s based on time (in
: The Current Time Zone for the DR Series system is displayed below the Backup Data pane (for example,
System Time Zone: US/Pacific).