Administrator Guide

Replication复制页面包含一个 Replication复制摘要表其中会列出与复制相关的以下信息
Local Container Name本地容器名称- 本地容器的名称IP 地址或主机名
Role角色- 复制过程中的源或目标
Remote Container Name远程容器名称- 远程容器的名称IP 地址或主机名
Peer State对等状态- Online联机Offline脱机Paused暂停 Disconnected断开连
: 开始后Peer State对等状态会显示所选容器的状态为
联机。停止后Peer State
Bandwidth带宽- 设置包括二进制千字节/ (KiB/s)、二进制兆字节/ (MiB/s)、二进制千兆字节/
(GiB/s) 或默认值无限带宽设置
: 单击 Select选择可标识要对其执行操作的复制关系。例如单击 Select选择 Display
Statistics显示统计信息可显示所选容器的 Statistics: Replication统计信息复制页面。有关
更多信息请参阅 Statistics: Replication统计信息复制页面
Compression Level压缩级别
要显示 Compression Level压缩级别页面请单击 Storage存储 Compression Level压缩级别 。在
此页面中对于要通过 DR Series 系统执行备份和重复数据消除的所有传入数据可设置或编辑要用于这些数
Fast快速- 备份时间较短节省的空间较少此为默认设置
Best最佳- 节省的空间最多备份时间较长。
To display the Clients page, click Storage Clients. This page displays the total number of clients that are connected to
the DR Series system, which can be a combination of NFS, CIFS, RDS, and OST clients, and this total is listed above the
three Client tabs (NFS, CIFS, and RDA tabs).
In addition, depending upon the tab type you select, the number of clients for each connection type is displayed. For
example, in the Clients page, if the RDA tab is selected, this displays the number of current OST or RDA clients that
correspond to this type (OpenStorage Technology or Rapid Data Storage clients) that are connected to the system, and
provides the following information client-related information:
Number of RDA Clients lists number of OST and RDS clients
Name lists each client by name
Type lists the type of RDA clients
Plug-In lists the plug-in type installed on each client
Backup Software lists the backup software used with each client
Idle Time lists the idle time (non-activity) for each client
Connection lists the number of connections for each client
Mode lists the current mode type for each client
To perform one of the possible actions on a client, click Select to identify the client, and then click the desired option (for
example, the RDA tab provides three options: Update Client, Edit Password, or Download Plug-In. For more information
about using this page and its tabs, see Clients Page (Using the NFS or CIFS Tab) or Clients Page (Using the RDA Tab).