Administrator Guide

Adding an expansion shelf enclosure requires that you order a license for each enclosure from a Dell Account
representative at the time that you order the DR Series system. You can also order this at a later date when you want to
add additional external storage to your base DR Series system. To obtain the license, you can download it from the website using your service tag or use an email link from your Dell Account representative.
If you already have a Dell MD1200 storage array, the order process supports licensing for existing hardware that you
want to add to a base DR Series system. Each license supports one expansion shelf enclosure, and the system supports
up to two enclosures using the DR Series system service tag. Because the licenses are tied to the system service tag, if
the internal drives are moved to another system chassis, this would require a new license. For more information about
the expansion shelf enclosures, see DR Series Expansion Shelf in DR Series System and Data Operations.
: The 300 Gigabyte (GB) drive capacity (2.7 TB) version of the DR Series system does not support the addition of
expansion shelf enclosures to add external storage to the base system.
要为 DR Series 系统扩展架安装许可证请完成以下操作
: 驱动器容量为 300 千兆字节 (GB) 2.7 TB DR Series 系统版本不支持添加扩展架机柜。
1. 在导航面板中选择 Support支持 License许可证)(或双击 License许可证))
将显示 License许可证页面其中显示 License File Location许可证文件位置窗格和 Number of
Installed Licenses已安装的许可证数目窗格。
2. License File Location许可证文件位置窗格中输入许可证文件所在的路径通常为 /store/
license),或单击 Browse...浏览...导航至许可证文件的位置。
3. 单击 Install License安装许可证),按照提示完成所有操作。
成功后将显示 License has been successfully installed许可证已安装成功对话框而新的许可证将显示
Number of Installed Licenses已安装的许可证数目窗格中。Number of Installed Licenses已安装的许
可证数目窗格中会列出已安装许可证的总数目并会按 ID、简短说明、授权 ID许可证标签和许可