Administrator Guide

可以创建和管理要向其发送 DR Series 系统电子邮件警报的用户的收件人电子邮件地址。Email Alerts电子邮
Recipient Email Address收件人电子邮件地址窗格中所列的收件人电子邮件地址发送测试消息。
: Email Alerts电子邮件警报页面包含管理收件人电子邮件地址和测试发送消息功能所需的全部选
1. 选择 System Configuration系统配置 Email Alerts电子邮件警报
此时将显示 Email Alerts电子邮件警报页面。
2. 单击选项栏上的 Add添加
此时将显示 Add Recipient Email Address添加收件人电子邮件地址对话框。
3. Email Address电子邮件地址使用您电子邮件系统支持的地址格式键入有效电子邮件地址。
4. 单击 Submit提交以配置此收件人电子邮件地址或单击 Cancel取消以显示 Email Alerts电子邮件
此时将显示 Email Alerts电子邮件警报页面操作成功时将显示 Added email recipient已添加电子邮
5. 要创建附加收件人电子邮件地址请重复步骤 2 4
: 有关发送电子邮件警报消息以测试一个或多个电子邮件收件人的信息请参阅发送测试消息
Editing or Deleting a Recipient Email Address
To edit or delete an existing recipient email address:
1. Select System Configuration Email Alerts.
The Email Alerts page is displayed.
: To edit or delete an existing recipient email address, you must first click Select in the Recipient Email
Address pane to indicate the address that you want to edit or delete. To edit an existing email address,
proceed to step 2, or to delete an existing email address, skip to step 4. For more information about adding
email recipients, see Adding a Recipient Email Address.
2. To edit an existing recipient email address, click Select to indicate the recipient email address entry that you want
to change, and click Edit on the options bar.
The Edit Recipient Email Address dialog is displayed.
3. Modify the existing email address you selected as needed, and click Submit.
The Email Alerts page is displayed, and a Successfully updated email recipient dialog is displayed when
successful. To edit additional recipient email addresses, repeat steps 2 and 3.
4. To delete an existing recipient email address, click Select to indicate the recipient email address entry that you
want to delete, and click Delete on the options bar.
The Delete Confirmation dialog is displayed.
5. Click OK to delete the selected email recipient address (or click Cancel to display the Email Alerts page).