Administrator Guide

DR Series 系统简介
DR Series 系统说明文件包含的主题将介绍如何使用 Dell DR Series 系统执行数据存储操作以及管理存储和复制
容器。DR Series 系统主题将介绍并说明 DR Series 系统图形用户界面 (GUI)您可使用此界面管理备份和复制操
GUI 的过程您可使用支持的 Web 浏览器访问所有管理功能。如果存在不受 DR
Series 系统 GUI 支持的任何重要管理任务或操作本指南将提供并说明相应的命令行界面 (CLI) 命令。有关 DR
Series 系统 CLI 命令的更多信息请参阅
Dell DR Series System Command Line Reference GuideDell DR Series
关于 DR Series 系统 GUI 说明文件
DR Series 系统说明文件描述了如何使用图形用户界面 (GUI) 及其菜单、选项卡和选项来执行广泛的数据存储操
此说明文件面向管理员最终用户其中介绍和提供了关于使用 DR Series 系统 GUI 元素轻松管理备份和重复数
据消除操作的过程。通过一组全面的基于 GUI 的过程可以使用受支持的 Web 浏览器访问所有主要管理特性
如果 DR Series 系统 GUI 不支持任何重要的管理任务或操作则此说明文件将提供并描述相应的 DR Series 系统
命令行界面 (CLI) 命令。
: 有关可用于 DR Series 系统的受支持 Web 浏览器的信息请参阅 上的
Dell DR
Series System Interoperability GuideDell DR Series 系统互操作性指南
What's New In This Release
The following features have been added to the DR Series systems for this release:
Advanced networking feature allows you to modify the default bonded network configuration
of your DR Series system. It allows you to create and manage multiple bonds on the same
system to support your data, management and replication traffic. You must use the CLI to set
up advanced networking. However, you can view and edit the NIC bonding configuration using
the web user interface.
Rapid Data
Storage Protocol
Rapid Data Storage (RDS) is developed by Dell Quest and provides a logical disk interface for
use with network storage devices. RDS allows for better coordination and integration between
DR Series system backup, restore, and optimized duplication operations with Dell Quest
NetVault Backup (NVBU). You can back up, complete optimized replication, and restore data
from DR Series systems using the Rapid Data Access protocol using the Dell Quest NetVault
Backup DMA.
Daily Status
Daily status reporting feature allows you to configure daily system statistics for container
status information on bytes ingested, deduplicated, and replicated.
Questions for
Password Reset
Security questions for password reset allow you to add security questions to reset your DR
Series system password.