Administrator Guide

Managing Replication Operations
If you plan on performing replication operations across a firewall, the DR Series system replication service requires that
the following fixed TCP ports be configured to support replication operations:
: To allow replication storage information to be viewed by a corresponding data management agent (DMA), the
target DR Series system needs to reside in the same domain as the source DR Series system in the replication
port 9904
port 9911
port 9915
port 9916
: If there are no existing containers, replication relationships, or any scheduled replication operations, the only
Replication-related option that is enabled is Create. The Edit, Delete, Stop, Start, Bandwidth, and Display Statistics
options are disabled (grayed out).
In the 2.0 release, DR Series systems support 32:1 replication of data. This means that multiple source DR Series systems
(up to 32) can write data to different individual containers on a single, target DR Series system.
: Starting with release 2.0, the DR Series system software includes version checking that limits replication only
between other DR Series systems that run the same system software release version (DR Series systems running
Release 2.0.x software can only replicate with other DR Series systems that run the same release system
software). For example, Release 2.0.x systems will not be able to replicate with Release 2.1 or Release 3.0 systems,
but can replicate with systems running Release or
: You need to be aware that the storage capacity of the target DR Series system is directly affected by the
number of source systems writing to its containers, and also by the amount being written by each of these source
1. 选择 Storage存储 Replication复制
此时将显示 Replication复制页面其中按以下类别列出了所有当前复制条目
Local Container Name本地容器名称
Remote Container Name远程容器名称
Peer State联机或脱机
: Bandwidth带宽为复制带宽限制可将其设置为二进制千字节/ (KiB/s)、二进制兆字节/
(MiB/s)、二进制千兆字节/ (GiB/s) 或无限带宽默认
2. 单击选项栏中的 Create创建
此时将显示 Create Replication创建复制页面。
3. Step 1: Select a local container步骤 1选择一个本地容器从可用容器列表中选择一个本地容
4. Step 2: Select Encryption步骤 2选择加密选择以下加密选项之一None128-bit128