Administrator Guide

Alert Message Description/Meaning or Action
The storage appliance failed to gather the system
Resolve all issues in the DR Series system diagnostics
log bundle.
Re-attempt to collect the diagnostics log bundle.
Contact Dell Support for assistance.
Storage Appliance Critical Error: BIOS System ID is
incorrect for correct operation of this storage appliance.
The DR Series system appliance requires service.
Contact Dell Support for assistance.
Seeding Alerts
Seeding device became full. Add a new seeding device to continue.
Seeding cannot contact the target device. Check to make sure that the target device is available and
write-enabled. Then, remove and re-add the target device.
Seeding process complete. Informational message. No user intervention is required.
System has reached space full condition, seeding will be
Seeding failed to create Zero log entries. Switch to maintenance mode to correct the issue.
Found corrupted stream on seeding device. This error will
be rectified during replication re-sync done on this seed
Informational message. No user intervention is required.
Seeding device metadata info file missing, unable to
Seeding device mount not accessible.
Seeding export paused as the device contains data from
another seeding job.
Cleanup the device and re-add to continue seeding.
Seeding encountered error.
Unable to decrypt the Seeding data. Check that the "password" and "encryption type" matches
the Seeding export job.
System diagnostics partition is running low on space. Copy out the old diagnostics bundles and delete for future
auto diagnostics collection.
Appliance available storage level is below the set
Schedule filesystem cleaner or expire older backups.
Primary Keystore corruption detected. Run filesystem scan with data verification check.
Table 5. DR Series System Event Messages
System Event Message Description/Meaning or Action
System Event = Type 1
System requires a Restore Manager (RM) recovery.
System failed basic initialization.