Administrator Guide

Slave Interfaces
Maximum Speed
Maximum Speed
To configure new networking settings (or to change from those set using the Initial System Configuration Wizard
complete the following:
1. Select System ConfigurationNetworking.
Networking page is displayed. Select settings for hostname, IP Address, DNS, Bonding, or to view the Ethernet
port settings (Eth0-Eth3) for the DR Series system.
To configure hostname, skip to step 2.
To configure IP addressing, skip to step 5.
To configure DNS, skip to step 10.
2. To change the current Hostname, select the Hostname
tab and click Edit Hostname on the options bar.
The Edit Hostname dialog is displayed.
3. Type a hostname in Hostname
that meets the following supported character types and length:
Alphabetic—allows A-Z, a-z, or a combination of upper and lower case alphabetic characters.
Numeric—allows numerals zero (0) through 9.
Special characters—allows only the dash (-) character.
Length limit—hostnames cannot exceed the maximum length of 19 characters.
4. Click
Submit to set the new hostname for your system.
5. To change the current IP address settings for the selected NIC bond or Ethernet port, select the Interfaces tab and
Edit Interfaces on the options bar.
The Edit Interface — <bond or Ethernet port number> dialog is displayed.
6. Under
IP Address, in Mode, select Static (to set static IP addressing for your system), or select DHCP (to set
dynamic IP addressing for your system).
: To select the DHCP mode of IP addressing, select DHCP, and click Submit. The remaining substeps in
this step only need to be completed if you selected the Static mode of IP addressing for the DR Series
a. In
New IP Address, type an IP address that represents the new IP address for your system.
b. In
Netmask, type an netmask address value that represents your system (the system IP address and netmask
identify the network to which your system belongs).
c. In
Gateway, type an IP address for the gateway associated with your system.
7. Under
MTU, in MTU, enter the value you want to set as the maximum.