Administrator Guide

Après voir sélectionné le ou les conteneurs, les systèmes homologues et les catégories de statistiques de réplication,
cliquez sur Apply Filter (Appliquer le filtre) pour afficher les résultats des statistiques de réplication en fonction des
critères que vous avez sélectionnés.
En utilisant la page Statistics: Replication (Statistiques : Réplication), vous pouvez filtrer et afficher sélectivement des
types spécifiques de statistiques de réplication associées pour tous les conteneurs ou systèmes DR Series homologues
ou un ou plusieurs d'entre eux.
Pour plus d'informations sur les statistiques de réplication, voir Affichage des statistiques de réplication, Filtre de
conteneurs et Affichage de la page des statistiques de réplication.
Displaying the Statistics: Replication Page
To display system replication container statistics for a selected container or another DR Series system, complete the
1. Click DashboardStatistics: Replication.
The Statistics: Replication page is displayed.
2. To select a container or another peer DR Series system, choose the appropriate Container Filter option.
Click All to choose all of the replication containers.
Click Name, press Ctrl, and select the containers in the list box to select one or more containers in the list
that you want to display.
Click Peer System, press Ctrl, and select the peer systems in the list box to select one or more peer DR
Series systems in the list that you want to display.
REMARQUE : Only one of the Container Filter options can be active at any one time (they are mutually
3. Select the Header check box(es) for the replication statistics categories for which you want to filter and display in
the Replication Statistics summary table:
Peer Status
Replication Status
Time to Sync
Progress % (percentage)
Replication Throughput
Network Throughput
Network Savings
Last Sync in Time
Peer Container
Peer Status
REMARQUE : The following five types of replication statistics are enabled by default: Peer Status, Replication
Status, Network Throughput, Network Savings, and Progress %. If you choose more than five types of
statistics (when you select additional check boxes), a horizontal scroll bar appears at the bottom of the
Replication Statistics table. Use this scroll bar to display the columns of additional statistics that may not
display within the main window.
4. Click Apply Filter to display the replication statistics types you selected to filter for your container or other peer DR
Series system choices.
The Replication Statistics summary table displays the replication statistics types you selected in the Replication
Filter pane.
To reset the default settings in the Replication Filter pane, click Reset.