Administrator Guide

REMARQUE : Even if no Cleaner schedule is set, but the system detects that there is disk space that can be
reclaimed, the Cleaner process runs. However, the Cleaner will not start until the following conditions are met: it
detects that there are no active data ingests, that two minutes of system idle time have elapsed since the last data
file ingest was completed, and that the Replication process is not running (the Cleaner process runs as a lower
system priority operation than the Replication process).
REMARQUE : Running the Cleaner while ingesting data, reduces system performance. Ensure that you schedule
the Cleaner to run when backup or replication is not in progress.
REMARQUE : The Cleaner Schedule page displays the current DR Series system time zone and current timestamp
(using this format: US/Pacific, Fri Nov 2 15:15:10 2012).
To schedule Cleaner operations on your system, complete the following:
1. Select Schedules Cleaner Schedule.
The Cleaner Schedule page is displayed.
2. Click Schedule to create a new schedule (or click Edit Schedule to modify an existing schedule).
The Set Cleaner Schedule page is displayed.
3. Select (or modify) the Start Time and Stop Time setpoint values using the Hour and Minutes pull-down lists to
create a Cleaner schedule.
REMARQUE : You must set a corresponding Stop Time for every Start Time set in each Cleaner schedule you
create. The DR Series system will not support any Cleaner schedule that does not contain a Start Time/Stop
Time pair of setpoints (daily or weekly).
4. Click Set Schedule for the system to accept your Cleaner schedule (or click Cancel to display the Cleaner Schedule
REMARQUE : To reset all of the values in the current Cleaner schedule, click Reset in the Set Cleaner
Schedule dialog. To selectively modify values in the current schedule, make your changes to the
corresponding hours and minutes pull-down lists to represent the Start Time and Stop Time you wish to set,
and click Set Schedule.
The current Cleaner Status is represented in the Dashboard page in the System Information pane as one of the three
following states:
Pending—displayed when there is any scheduled window set and the current time is outside the scheduled
window for the Cleaner operation.
Running—displayed when the Cleaner operation is running during a scheduled window.
Idle—displayed only if there is no Cleaner operation running during a scheduled window.
Dell recommends that you do not schedule the running of any Cleaner operations during the same time period when
replication or ingest operations will be running. Failure to follow this practice will affect the time required to complete
the system operations and/or impact your DR Series system performance.
Affichage des statistiques de nettoyage
Pour afficher les statistiques de nettoyage, vous pouvez utiliser la commande CLI stats --cleaner du système DR Series
pour afficher les catégories suivantes de statistiques de nettoyage :
Last Run Files Processed (Fichiers traités lors de la dernière exécution) : nombre de fichiers traités par le
Last Run Bytes Processed (Octets traités lors de la dernière exécution) : nombre d'octets traités par le