Administrator Guide

REMARQUE : An alternate method to display statistics for any current container is to select that container by name
in the Container Name drop-down list in the Statistics: Container page (Dashboard Statistics: Container).
1. Select StorageContainers.
The Containers page is displayed, and the Containers summary table lists all of the current containers in the
2. Click Select to identify the container to display, and click Display Statistics in the options bar.
The Statistics: Container page is displayed which shows the current backup data (number of active files and active
bytes ingested in the Backup Data pane), and read and write throughput (in the Throughput pane). The system polls
for and updates the displayed statistics every 30 seconds.
REMARQUE : To display statistics for another container, select that container by name in the Container Name
drop-down list.
This page also displays the marker type and connection type for the selected container, and the displayed statistics
depends upon the connection type container. For more information, see Statistics: Container Page, Connection
Type Pane, and Monitoring Container Statistics.
In addition, you can also display the set of system statistics by using the DR Series system CLI stats --system
command to show the following categories of system statistics:
Capacity Used (system capacity used in Gibibytes or GiBs)
Capacity Free (system capacity free in GiBs)
Read Throughput (read throughput rate in Mebibytes or MiB/s)
Write Throughput (write throughput rate in MiB/s)
Current Files (current number of files in system)
Current Bytes (current number of ingested bytes in system)
Post Dedupe Bytes (number of bytes after deduplication)
Post Compression Bytes (number of bytes after compression)
Compression Status (current compression status)
Cleaner Status (current space reclamation process status)
Total Inodes (total number of data structures)
Dedupe Savings (deduplication storage savings by percentage)
Compression Savings (compression storage savings by percentage)
Total Savings (total storage savings by percentage)
Affichage des statistiques du système DR Series en utilisant l'interface CLI
Vous pouvez également afficher les statiques actuelles du système DR Series en utilisant la commande CLI stats --
system du système DR Series pour afficher les statistiques système suivantes :
Capacity Used (Capacité utilisée) : capacité utilisée exprimée en gibioctets ou GiB)
Capacity Free (Capacité libre) : capacité système libre en GiB
Read Throughput (Débit de lecture) : débit en lecture en mébioctets ou MiB/s)
Write Throughput (Débit d'écriture) : (débit d'écriture en MiB/s)
Current Files (Fichiers actuels) : nombre actuel de fichiers dans le système
Current Bytes (Octets actuels) nombre actuel d'octets ingérés dans le système
Post Dedupe Bytes (Octets de post-déduplication) : nombre d'octets après la déduplication
Post Compression Bytes (Octets de post-compression) : nombre d'octets après la compression