Administrator Guide

MAC: 00:30:59:9A:00:99
Speed: 1000Mb/s
Max Speed: 1000baseT/Full
Duplex: Full
Verwalten des DR Series-Systemkennworts
Sie können das Anmeldekennwort für die Anmeldung am DR Series-System auf zweierlei Arten verwalten:
Durch Ändern des vorhandenen Anmeldekennworts über die Option Edit Password (Kennwort bearbeiten) auf
der Seite System Configuration (Systemkonfiguration) (weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Ändern des
Durch Zurücksetzen des Anmeldekennworts auf die Standardeinstellung über die Option Reset Password
(Kennwort zurücksetzen) auf der Seite DR Series System Login (Anmeldung am DR Series-System) (weitere
Informationen finden Sie unter Wiederherstellen der Systemkennwort-Standardeinstellung
Modifying the System Password
To configure a new password or to modify an existing password for logging in to the DR Series system, complete the
1. To change the system password, do one of the following:.
In the navigation panel, select System Configuration, the System Configuration page is displayed. Click
Password Management.
In the navigation panel, select System ConfigurationPassword, the Password Management page is
2. Click Edit Password.
The Edit Password dialog is displayed.
3. In Current password, type the current password for the system.
4. In New password, type the new system password.
5. In Confirm password, retype the new password to confirm this as the new password replacing the existing system
6. Click Change Password (or click Cancel to display the System Configuration page).
If successful, a Password change was successful dialog is displayed.
Resetting the Default System Password
To reset the system to use the default password (St0r@ge! ) for logging in, complete the following:
1. In the Login window, click Reset Password.
The Reset Password dialog is displayed.
If the password reset option is set to Service Tag, proceed to step 2.
If the password reset option is set to Service Tag and Administrator Email, proceed to step 4.
2. In Service Tag, type the Service Tag associated with your system, and click Reset Password.
ANMERKUNG: If you are unsure of the Service Tag associated with your DR Series system, it can be found on
the Support page (click Support in the navigation panel to display the Support Information pane, which
displays the Service Tag).