Administrator Guide

Daily Replication Schedule Example
The daily Replication schedule example in this topic illustrates the process for setting up a replication schedule that
uses a 24-hour clock (the time keeping convention where time of day is defined on a 24–hour basis). You set or view a
Replication schedule in the Replication Schedule page. For more information, see Creating a Replication Schedule.
メモ: Replication schedules can only be set on individual replication-enabled source containers.
To set a daily replication schedule that starts at 16:00 hours (which is 4:00 PM in a 12–hour clock format) and stops at
23:00 hours (which is 11:00 PM in a 12–hour clock format) on Mondays, click Edit Schedule (if modifying an existing
schedule) or Schedule (if creating a new schedule):
Select 16 in the hours pull-down list and 00 in the minutes pull-down list to set a Start Time of 16:00 on Monday.
Select 23 in the hours pull-down list and 00 in the minutes pull-down list to set a Stop Time of 23:00 for Monday.
Set the Start Time and Stop Time setpoints for any remaining days of the week on which you want to schedule
メモ: You must set a corresponding Stop Time for every Start Time in each Replication schedule you set. The DR
Series system will not support any Replication schedule that does not contain a Start Time/Stop Time pair of
setpoints (daily or weekly).
Weekly Replication Schedule Example
The following example shows how to set up a weekly Replication schedule with a start time at 01:00 am on Saturday and
a stop time at 01:00 am on Sunday. The DR Series system uses the 24-hour clock convention for its time keeping in which
each day is divided into twenty-four 1-hour segments.
メモ: Replication schedules can only be set on individual replication-enabled source containers that you select
from the Container drop-down list.
Select 01 in the hours pull-down list and 00 in the minutes pull-down list to set a Start Time of 01:00 for Saturday.
Select 01 in the hours pull-down list and 00 in the minutes pull-down list to set a Stop Time of 01:00 for Sunday
メモ: You need to click Set Schedule for the DR Series system to accept your Replication schedule.
For more information on Replication schedules, see Creating a Replication Schedule.