Administrator Guide

Configuring and Using Rapid Data Storage
RDS Overview
Rapid Data Storage (RDS) provides the logical disk interface that can be used with network storage devices. The Dell DR
Series system requires the Dell Rapid OFS (ROFS) plug-in to integrate its data storage operations with the Dell Quest
NetVault Backup (NVBU). The ROFS plug-in is installed by default on the NVBU server and the Dell DR Series system
when the latest software updates are installed.
メモ: Apart from the latest NVBU and DR Series software updates, no other software is required to activate RDS
on your NVBU and DR Series Systems in a Windows or Linux environment.
Using the ROFS plug-in, the DMAs can take full advantage of key DR Series system features like replication and data
When RDS is used with the DR Series system, it offers the following benefits:
RDS protocol provides faster and improved data transfers:
Focus is on backups with minimal overhead
Accommodates larger data transfer sizes
Provides throughput that is better than CIFS or NFS
RDS and DMA integration:
ROFS API enables the DMA-to-media server software communication
DR Series system storage capabilities can be used without extensive changes to DMAs
Backup and replication operations are simplified by using built-in DMA policies
DR Series system and RDS ports and write operations:
Control channel uses TCP port 10011
Data channel uses TCP port 11000
Optimized write operations enable client-side deduplication
Replication operations between DR Series systems:
No configuration is required on the source or target DR Series system
Replication is file-based, not container-based
Replication is triggered by DMA optimized duplication operation
DR Series system transfers the data file (not the media server)
Once duplication completes, DR Series system notifies DMA to update its catalog (acknowledging the
second backup). This makes the DMA aware of the replication location. Restores from either the source
or replication target can be used directly from the DMA.
Supports different retention policies between source and replica
Replication is set up in the DMA itself, not the DR Series system