Administrator Guide

Troubleshooting and Maintenance
This topic provides an overview of the basic troubleshooting and maintenance information that is available to help you
better understand the current state of your DR Series system. The following list of information sources can aid you in
understanding the current state of and maintaining your system:
System alert and system event messages, for more information, see DR Series System Alert and Event
Messages, which provides a tables that list the system alerts and system events.
Diagnostics service, for more information, see About the Diagnostics Service.
Maintenance mode, for more information, see About the DR Series Maintenance Mode.
Support mode, for more information, see About the DR Series Support Mode.
Scheduling system operations, for more information, see Scheduling DR Series System Operations.
Scheduling Replication operations, for more information, see Creating a Replication Schedule.
Scheduling Cleaner operations, for more information, see Creating a Cleaner Schedule.
Troubleshooting Error Conditions
To troubleshoot error conditions that disrupt your normal DR Series system operations, complete the following:
1. Generate a DR Series system diagnostics log file bundle if one has not already been automatically created.
For more information, see Generating a Diagnostics Log File.
2. Check the system alert and system event messages to determine the current status of your DR Series system.
For more information, see DR Series System Alert and Event Messages, Monitoring System Alerts, and Monitoring
System Events.
3. Verify if the DR Series system has recovered or whether it has entered into Maintenance mode or Support mode.
For more information, see About the DR Series System Maintenance Mode and About the DR Series System
Support Mode.
4. If you cannot resolve the issue using the information in this DR Series system documentation, then read Before
Contacting Dell Support, and seek assistance from Dell Support.
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