Administrator Guide

14. Select the Advanced Options tab, and select the relevant options.
15. To run the backup job, click the Submit icon.
The backup job may take a few minutes to complete depending on the amount of data that is backed up. You can view
the progress of the backup job on NVBU, using the Job Management section of NVBU.
NOTA: For more information on Dell Quest NetVault Backup, see the Dell Quest NetVault Backup Administrator’s
Replicating Data to an RDS Container Using NVBU
Using NVBU with the DR Series system, you can run optimized replication jobs. You can replicate data in backup RDS
containers on one DR Series system to a target RDS container that is on a different DR Series system. The two DR Series
systems containing the source and target containers and the NVBU server must be on the same subnet. Both the source
and target RDS containers must be added to the NVBU server as RDA devices. You can complete optimized replication
(or optimized duplication) of backups that you complete using NVBU.
NOTA: You cannot replicate RDS containers using the DR Series system native replication feature.
NOTA: The source or backup container and the target container must use the RDS protocol.
To replicate the data available on the backup RDS container to a target RDS container:
1. In the NVBU Console, click Backup.
The NVBU Backup window is displayed.
2. From the Server Location list, select the relevant NVBU server.
3. In Job Title, enter a relevant job title.
4. In the Selections tab, select Data Copyand then Backups or Backup Sets and navigate to the backup job that you
want to replicate.
5. Select the Backup Options tab, under Data Copy Options select the relevant options.
NOTA: Under Copy Type, by default, options are set for Copy and Optimized replication for the DR Series
6. Select the Schedule tab, under Schedule Options select one of the following:
Immediate — This option starts the backup operation as soon as you save the current backup job.
Once — This option allows you to run the backup only once at a scheduled time and date.
Repeating — This option allows you to run the backup at a scheduled time and date on a daily, weekly, or
monthly basis.
Triggered — This option allows you to run the backup whenever the system encounters a prespecified
Trigger name.
7. Under Job Options select the relevant options.
8. Select the Source tab, under Device Options select, Specify Device.
The RDS devices added to NVBU are displayed.
9. Select the relevant source RDS device from the list of displayed devices.
You can select more than one device.
10. Select the Target tab, under Device Options select, Specify Device.
The RDS devices added to NVBU are displayed.
11. Select the relevant target RDS device from the list of displayed devices.
You can select more than one device.
12. Under Media Options and General Options, select the relevant option.