Administrator Guide

Number of RDA Clients — lists number of OST and RDS clients
Name — lists each client by name
Type — lists the type of RDA clients
Plug-In — lists the plug-in type installed on each client
Backup Software — lists the backup software used with each client
Idle Time — lists the idle time (non-activity) for each client
Connection — lists the number of connections for each client
Mode — lists the current mode type for each client
To perform one of the possible actions on a client, click Select to identify the client, and then click the desired option (for
example, the RDA tab provides three options: Update Client, Edit Password, or Download Plug-In. For more information
about using this page and its tabs, see Clients Page (Using the NFS or CIFS Tab) or Clients Page (Using the RDA Tab).
Clients Page (Using the NFS or CIFS Tab)
To display the Clients page, click StorageClients. This page displays the total number of clients that are connected to
the DR Series system, and this number reflects all of the clients based listed under the Clients tabs (NFS, CIFS, and RDA).
Using this page and the NFS or CIFS tab lets you perform the following tasks for NFS or CIFS clients (for information
about RDA clients, see Clients Page (Using the RDA Tab). The Clients page displays a summary of the NFS (or CIFS)
clients, and lists the following types of NFS and CIFS client-related information:
Number of NFS (or CIFS) Clients — lists number of NFS (or CIFS) clients
Name — lists each client by name
Idle Time — lists idle time (nonactivity) for each client
Connection Time — lists connection time for each client
Clients Page (Using the RDA Tab)
To display the Clients page, click StorageClients. This page displays the total number of clients that are connected to
the DR Series system, and this number reflects all of the clients based listed under the Clients tab (NFS, CIFS, and RDA).
Using this page and the RDA tab lets you perform the following tasks for RDS or OST clients:
Update a client (you are limited to modifying the mode type)
Edit a client password
Download a client plug-in
NOTA: The RDA plug-in is installed by default if you are running the latest version of Dell Quest NetVault
Backup (NVBU). You must download and install the RDA plug-in for NVBU only if there is a plug-in version
mismatch between the DR Series system software and NVBU.
This page displays an RDS or OST Clients Summary table that lists the following types of RDs or OST client-related
Name — lists client by name
Type — lists client type
Plug-In — lists plug-in type that is installed on the client
Backup Software — lists backup software used with this client
Idle Time — lists the idle time for this client
Connection — lists the number of connections for this client
Mode — lists the mode types that can be set for this client: