Reference Guide

This topic introduces the set of OpenStorage Technology-related DR Series system CLI commands that enable you to
perform the following tasks:
Display command-specific information
Update the OST user password
Delete the OST client
Update the attributes of the OST client
Limit the bandwidth consumed by OST
List or clean up partial images
OST Command Usage
This topic introduces the ost command usage:
ost --show [options]
ost --update --opdup_encryption [options]
ost --setpassword
ost --delete_client [options]
ost --update_client [options]
ost --limit --speed --target [options]
ost --partial_images --containerid [options]
ost --help
NOTE: If you specify a command without supplying the expected value or option, you will be prompted to provide
the correct value or option.
ost --show [--config] [--file_history] [--name <name>] [--active_files] [--name <name>] [--
clients] [--limits]
Displays the current OpenStorage Technology (OST) configuration information for a DR Series system.
ost --show [--config]
[--file_history] [--name <name>]
[--active_files] [--name <name>]
--config Displays OST configuration.
--file_history Display(s) history of last 10 OST optimized
duplication image file(s).
--name OST container name.
--active_files Display(s) current OST image files being replicated.
--name OST container name.
--clients Displays OST clients.
--limits Replication speed limits.