Reference Guide

The set of RDA commands have the following functions:
Displays command specific information.
Updates the Rapid Data Access (RDA) user password.
Deletes the Rapid Data Access (RDA) client.
Updates attributes of a Rapid Data Access (RDA) client.
Limits bandwidth consumed by Rapid Data Access (RDA) when replicating over a WAN link.
Lists or cleans up partial images.
RDA Command Usage
The following commands are run for RDA:
rda --show
rda --update --opdup_encryption <none | aes128 | aes256>
rda --setpassword
rda --delete_client
rda --update_client
rda --limit
rda --partial_images --containerid [options]
rda --show [--config] [--file_history] [--name <name>] [--active_files] [--name <name>] [--
clients] [--limits]
The command displays the RDA-specific configurations.
rda --show [--config]
[--file_history] [--name <name>]
[--active_files] [--name <name>]
--config Displays RDA configuration.
--file_history Display(s) history of last 10 RDA optimized
deduplication image file(s).
--name RDA container name.
--active_files Display(s) current active RDA image files being
--name RDA container name.
--clients Displays RDA clients.
--limits Replication speed limits.
For example, to show the RDA clients, run the command: rda --show --clients