Reference Guide

Network Maximum Throughput : 14999 KiB/s
Network Bytes Sent : 154.45 MiB
Network Savings : 56.60 %
Last INSYNC Time : 2012-06-20 09:11:42
Estimated Time To Sync : 0 days 7 hours 3 minutes 19
Data replication history
File : /vargen/source/Office_Docs/Email/Outlook/3244.flate, 44.70%, 88773
bytes, 1305 KB/s, replicated at : 2012-06-19 11:47:03
File : /vargen/source/status/DEV/August11/dev-status.doc, 100.00%, 86200 bytes,
4310 KB/s, replicated at : 2012-06-19 11:47:03
File : /vargen/source/MKT/whitepaper/eng/324.tar.gz, 0.00%, 5182 bytes, 259
KB/s, replicated at : 2012-06-19 11:47:03
File : /vargen/source/acctspay/status/Sept11/3242.tar.gz, 65.23%, 94616 bytes,
1456 KB/s, replicated at : 2012-06-19 11:47:03
File : /vargen/source/revenue/Q311/interna/324.xls, 0.00%, 5152 bytes, 286
KB/s, replicated at : 2012-06-19 11:47:03
File : /vargen/source/projects/Q411/europe/3244.tar.gz, 62.94%, 8828 bytes,
1193 KB/s, replicated at : 2012-06-19 11:47:03
stats --cleaner
The Cleaner is an asynchronous process in the DR Series system that reclaims disk storage space by reclaiming space
that previously contained unreferenced datastore files.
The Cleaner process operates in two distinct phases:
Information collection
Space reclamation
Displays the current Cleaner statistics for a DR Series system.
stats --cleaner
Last Run Files Processed : 100
Last Run Bytes Processed : 100
Last Run Bytes Reclaimed : 24
Last Run Start Time : 06/17/12 15:29:31
Last Run End Time : 06/17/12 15:29:52
Last Run Time To Completion(s) : 1.00
Current Run Start Time : 06/17/12 15:30:51
Current Run Files Processed : 10
Current Run Bytes Processed : 10
Current Run Bytes Reclaimed : 3
Current Run Phase 1 Start Time : 06/17/12 15:30:52
Current Run Phase 1 Records Processed : 4
Current Run Phase 1 End Time : 06/17/12 15:30:57
Current Run Phase 2 Start Time : 06/17/12 15:30:59
Current Run Phase 2 Records Processed : 3
Current Run Phase 2 End Time : 06/17/12 15:31:12
Current Run Phase 3 Start Time : 06/17/12 15:31:15
Current Run Phase 3 Records Processed : 2