Reference Guide

Please enter administrator password:
Please enter administrator's new password:
Please re-enter administrator's new password:
Changed administrator’s password.
system --telnet [--enable | --disable]
Displays the current telnet access status, or you can use the command options to enable or disable telnet access for a
DR Series system.
system --telnet
Telnet State : Disabled
NOTE: In this example, the system --telnet command output showed the telnet access status as disabled. The
following example shows the command for enabling telnet access on your DR Series system. To disable telnet
access, use the system --telnet --disable command.
system --telnet --enable
Successfully enabled telnet.
system --datacheck --enable
Enables one or both Data Check scan options that can be used on a DR Series system. The enable option can be set to
all, namespace, or blockmap. You can individually enable namespace or blockmap scan options, or both options using
the all scan option (which means that both the namespace and blockmap scan types will be enabled).
Enables an individual Data Check scan option type (or both scan types) when used in a DR Series system CLI command.
system --datacheck [--enable <all | namespace | blockmap>]
Data Check configuration successful: namespace and blockmap scans currently
NOTE: This example shows all Data Check scan options enabled. To enable only the namespace or only the
blockmap scan, use those options respectively in the DR Series system CLI command, for example, --enable --
namespace, or --enable --blockmap.
system --datacheck --disable
Disables one or both Data Check scan option types that can be used on a DR Series system. You can individually disable
namespace or blockmap scan options, or both options using the all scan option (which means that both the namespace
and blockmap scan types will be disabled).
Disables an individual Data Check scan option type (or both scan types) when used in a DR Series system CLI command.