Release Notes

ID Issue Description Workaround/Solution
This ensures the namespace
resync completes faster and
the snapshot can be deleted
20009 User is able to create/write a file/directory in the
share/container even though the user has only
read permissions (file-level/security-level) on the
You can block write/create
operations for a particular
domain user by adding an
extra ‘Deny’ ‘write’ acl for
that user. (This issue occurs
on the Windows 2008 client.)
19552 When there is no data to replicate (for example,
replication state is INSYNC), replication statistics
might indicate a target is running out of disk
space even though the target has enough space.
This occurs because the
replication process detected
target space full condition
when there is pending data
to be replicated, but, at a
later time, that pending data
was removed and replication
was insync. We do not query
target disk state when
replication is idle. On a
similar note, we might not
indicate target space full
condition when there is no
data to replicate as well. An
error state in the replication
statistics makes sense only
when replication is not in
19485 Adding a host name does not work if you use a
FQDN and the host name has letters in it.
You can add names as long
as the name is made only of
numbers and it is not a FQDN
where a period is used in the
name string.
19186 If you change the hostname or the domain name
after setting up the DR Rapid plug-in, then you
may get the wrong backup mode pass-through or
Uninstall and then reinstall
the DR Rapid plug-in for this
information to be set
18848 In the Internet Explorer 9 and 10 browsers, when
you navigate to a DR Series system from within
Global View, and then log out of that system and
return to Global View, you are logged out of the
machine running the Global View.
This issue does not occur
with any other supported
browser. For browser
information, see the
Dell DR
Series System
Interoperability Guide
18178 The AIO-Stress tool fails when using Rapid NFS. Rapid NFS, which uses FUSE,
does not support AIO.