Release Notes

ID Issue Description Workaround/Solution
enclosure in a DR4000 or
DR4100 system fails
because this is not a
supported method of
operation in the 2.0
product release. To
prevent this error/failure
condition from occurring,
observe the following
best practice:
Ensure that before an
external expansion shelf
enclosure is cabled to
and powered on to a
Release 2.0 DR4000 or
DR4100 system only after
the DR Series system has
been powered down.
external expansion shelf
enclosure to a Release 2.0
DR4000 or DR4100 system:
Power off the DR4000 or
DR4100 system (this is a
requirement for 2.0 with
Dell OpenManage 7.1).
Connect the cabling
between the external
expansion shelf
enclosure and the
DR4000 or DR4100
Power on the external
expansion shelf
Power on the DR4000 or
DR4100 system.
13580 User intervention is required when booting up a
system that was rebooted due to a shelf going
This condition can occur
when an external
expansion shelf
enclosure goes offline,
which requires that the
DR Series system be
rebooted. During the DR
Series system boot up, it
halts in the PowerEdge
RAID Controller (PERC)
H800 configuration
process, and prompts you
to press <F> to import the
Foreign Disks.
To resolve this issue, press
<F> to import the Foreign
Disks, and allow the boot up
process for the DR Series
system to complete and boot
normally. Once the process
completes normally, the DR
Series system will come up,
and enter its Operational
13790 DR Series system performance drops when
background initialization runs on an external
expansion shelf.
Whenever an external
expansion shelf
enclosure is added to the
DR Series system, this
causes a one-time only
impact to the DR Series
system performance.
The impact is a result of
the background
initialization (BGI)
process running for an
external expansion shelf
(the system RAID disks
require such
BGI can take
approximately 2 hours for
a 3 Terabyte (TB) external
There is no workaround for
BGI. This is a one-time only
process that occurs when an
external expansion shelf
enclosure is added.
During BGI that is associated
with the addition of an
external expansion shelf
enclosure, you should expect
that performance for the DR
Series system will be slower
than usual.