Users Guide

154 Using and Configuring Virtual Media
VM-CLI Operating System Shell Options
The following operating system features can be used in the VM-CLI command line:
stderr/stdout redirection — Redirects any printed utility output to a file.
For example, using the greater-than character (>) followed by a filename overwrites the specified file
with the printed output of the VM-CLI utility.
NOTE: The VM-CLI utility does not read from standard input (stdin). As a result, stdin redirection is not required.
Background execution — By default, the VM-CLI utility runs in the foreground. Use the operating
system's command shell features to cause the utility to run in the background. For example, under a
Linux operating system, the ampersand character (&) following the command causes the program to
be spawned as a new background process.
The latter technique is useful in script programs, as it allows the script to proceed after a new process is
started for the VM-CLI command (otherwise, the script would block until the VM-CLI program is
terminated). When multiple VM-CLI instances are started in this way, and one or more of the command
instances must be manually terminated, use the operating system-specific facilities for listing and
terminating processes.
VM-CLI Return Codes
0 = No error
1 = Unable to connect
2 = VM-CLI command line error
3 = RAC firmware connection dropped
English-only text messages are also issued to standard error output whenever errors are encountered.
Frequently Asked Questions
Table 8-2 lists frequently asked questions and answers.
Table 8-2. Using Virtual Media: Frequently Asked Questions
Question Answer
Sometimes, I notice my Virtual Media client
connection drop. Why?
When a network time-out occurs, the DRAC 5 firmware drops
the connection, disconnecting the link between the server and
the Virtual Drive. To reconnect to the Virtual Drive, use the
Virtual Media feature.
Which operating systems support the DRAC 5? See "Supported Operating Systems" for a list of supported
operating systems.
Which Web browsers support the DRAC 5? See "Supported Web Browsers" for a list of supported Web